

The will to improve internal processes, the unceasing search for customer satisfaction, the guarantee to safeguard work, have brought us to introduce the system of Integrated management of quality and social responsibility, in accordance with the requisites of the ISO 9001 and SA 8000 norms. Aspects such as competence of people, innovative capacity and relationships have growing relevance for enterprises. These intangible resources acquire even more value for a company such as Monnalisa, for which creativity, reliability and the partnership with clients and suppliers are the main factors of its success, as well as also caring for the local community.

What drives Monnalisa’s activity is to maintain, and if possible to improve, the quality standards of the products manufactured and offered on the market to guarantee the certainty of the stakeholder of finding a reliable, incisive and dynamic partner.

Monnalisa SpA undertakes to conform to all the principles contained in the ISO 9001: 2015 norm and to the requisites contemplated by the SA8000: 2008 norm (child and slave labour, health and workplace safety, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary procedures, working hours and salary criteria). Monnalisa undertakes to respect the applicable national laws, the laws in force and the other requisites signed by the Company and the International norms of reference listed in the SA8000 Norm and their interpretation.

Obtaining the ISO 9001 quality system, the RSI SA8000 system and of the environmental management system ISO 14001 certifications requires tenacity, resources, capacity to question work procedures, a commitment that only few clothing companies have been able to face up till today. We have obtained the certifications, proof our will to improve ourselves, to offer a more efficient service/product, appropriate for the needs of our clients and of those who will want to meet us every day.

ISO 9001


This is a reference regulation for the management and certification of a company quality system, issued by the International Organization for Standardization.

It places the client and his full satisfaction, at the centre of the execution of a management system; the vision of a company as a series of procedures, which are tightly related and aimed at supplying products/services that comply constantly with the requisites defined for them, along with the importance of a continuous improvement in performances.

To manage quality means to manage efficacy and efficiency of ones processes through:

- knowledge, the management and monitoring of the processes;

- the capacity to involve human resources;

- the importance of the company’s Higher Management.

Through the measurement of results deriving from the processes and the comparison with the defined aims, improvements are proposed and carried out, both in the optimization of the resources used for the processes, and in the capacity to supply a product that better satisfies the client.








The norm represents the first international standard applied to CSR; its application is on a voluntary basis, it entails the respect of a series of minimum requirements, in terms of human and social rights, the conformity to which undergoes a third party evaluation, this means that it is the object of evaluation by an independent external organism, accredited for the issue of the related certification.

The SA8000 norm proposes the expression of the requisites that must be respected in the work place, concerning workers’ rights, working conditions and the management system. The regulatory elements of the standard are based on the national Law, the International Laws on Human Rights and the ILO agreements.

The SA8000 certified company proves that it operates by respecting human rights, without using under-age workers nor forced labour, that it guarantees the conditions for the protection of the health and safety of workers and to acknowledges their rights, while abstaining from discriminatory behaviour, guaranteeing work hours, salary levels and eventual regular disciplinary procedures, while respecting the right to collective negotiation of contracts and freedom of association.

ISO 14001

The acronym ISO 14001 identifies a standard of environmental management (EMS ) that defines the requirements of an " environmental management system " , the voluntary choice of the company that decides to establish / implement / maintain active / improve their own environmental management system . Goes to show that the organization has certified an appropriate management system to monitor the environmental impacts of its activities , and will seek systematically to improve in a consistent, effective and above all sustainable.

Environmental Policy

Monnalisa SpA is a leading Company in the manufacture and sales of clothing for children and teenagers. The company is aware of the importance of the preservation and protection of the environment and undertakes to pursue a policy of continuous improvement of its environmental performance, by minimizing, wherever technically possible and economically sustainable, all negative impact on the environment

For this purpose, Monnalisa SpA proposes to implement and maintain an efficient Environmental Management System in conformity with the voluntary international norm UNI EN ISO 14001:2015. The aim of the adoption of the EMS is that of defining and implementing strategies and action plans for the optimization of company processes in consideration of the environmental matrix and the preservation of natural and energy resources.

In particular, the goals that Monnalisa Spa, starting from the Management, wishes to reach are:

- Reducing environmental impacts, by controlling and limiting the atmospheric and ground emissions to a minimum, through the use of adequate technology;

- Improving the environmental efficiency by aiming at reducing the use of energy, using substances/products with non-polluting characteristics and preserving the natural and cultural identity of the territory;

- Preventing pollution and the use of resources, so as to pursue the maximum “eco-efficiency”.

Therefore, Monnalisa SpA commits to:

- Ensure that its activities are carried out in conformity with the laws in force and any codes of practice that have been signed;

- Ensure that the products/services and the activities do not compromise the health of the workers, the consumers and of the population;

- Reduce or prevent the environmental impact generated by the company activities by preferring the logic of re-use, recycling of materials and, at any rate, the correct disposal of waste;

- Evaluate in advance and minimize the environmental impact of new products, technologies, processes and activities.

- Minimize the use of energy and water as well as the production of waste, by favouring the recovery, wherever possible;

- Define environmental aims and goals, to be integrated with the operational management of the factories and the company development programs;

- Run training and awareness programs for the personnel, so that each employee understands her/his environmental responsibilities and keeps them in mind when they carry out their work duties

- Encourage the suppliers to adopt an EMS or at least to make them aware of environmental themes with the view of a continuous improvement.

- Ensure that the environmental policy here illustrated and the related management system are understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization and that the system be upheld by periodic and systematic learning and training activities.

- Optimize the resources being used, by adopting the best possible techniques available and by promoting the use of reusable sources so as to reduce the environmental impact in terms of fewer emissions of gasses that are harmful for the environment and health.

The Management undertakes to ensure that this Policy is understood, shared and implemented by all its employees and collaborators and, at the same time, commits to share it with all the stakeholders. In detail we wish to:

- Create awareness on the commitments of the Policy and in particular on the environmental aspects, and to involve the company workers, the suppliers, the clients and the citizens on the aims and goals. Motivate the workers so that, at all levels, the sense of responsibility towards the environment, and towards their own health and safety and that of their co-workers is developed.

- Educate, with particular attention to the new generations, to encourage behaviour of respect for the environment and attention for the correct use of natural resources.

- Promote the dialogue and exchanges with all the stakeholders (public authorities, citizens, associations, etc.) by keeping in mind their issues. Activating the appropriate participatory instruments and communicating in a transparent way, the performances of company activities.

To do this efficiently, the risks and opportunities connected with environmental aspects, obligations to conform, also related to D.Lgs. 231/2001, or other factors or needs and expectations of the interested parties are identified, evaluated and managed. In this way, the environmental performances are kept under control and the possible aspects or risks that become tangible to the point of affecting the company results and in particular those on the environment, are avoided.

The policy is documented in digital form and it is available on the web site ( ) for the aim of making it available and can be consulted by all the internal and external stakeholders. The policy is monitored, enacted and implemented; it is distributed and made available to all employees through information/training activities

Date: 28/02/2019

Signature: Christian Simoni


With the aim of rendering the undertaking, in the field of sustainability in the whole supply chain, ever more stringent, Monnalisa has elaborated a code of conduct for the suppliers, which represents a real and true contractual clause which collects all the standards to which the company intends to comply.

In addition to the requisites contemplated by SA8000, the code includes clauses relating to the environment, product safety and protection of Company Trademark and Know How.

In signing the supply contract, whose code represents a specific clause, the supplier commits to taking positive action for the implementation of the code and to accept eventual inspection visits by the buyer, which are aimed at verifying its correct application.

At Monnalisa we undertake to:

- Create a quality product, fashionable and with a strong identity, accompanied by a flexible, reliable and personalized service.

- A work environment that is challenging and dynamic while being respectful of the rights and dignity of people.

- A dynamic and challenging workplace, with reference to the rights and dignity of people.

- Correct and responsible conduct of all our operations.

- A profitable and sustainable relation with suppliers, customers and partners.

- Respect for the environment and care for our own territory.

In agreement with the values of our company, we expect the same commitment from all our manufacturers.

It is therefore necessary that they respect the following minimum standards:


Child Labour

Child labour[1] cannot be used, therefore the supplier undertakes not to employ minors and, in any case not to use them neither directly nor indirectly. Only workers older than 15 or above the age for mandatory schooling can be employed. The children who will be removed from work, must be guaranteed adequate economic assistance and educational opportunities.

Forced or Compulsory Labour

The supplier does not support, nor does he favour, nor does he use, directly or indirectly, forced or compulsory labour. He does not require that his personnel consign to him cash deposits or identity documents at the moment of stipulation of work contracts; he does not support or make use of human trafficking, neither directly nor indirectly, through entities that furnish work to the company.

Duress and Harassment

The supplier assures a respectful and decent treatment to his personnel; the use of physical punishment, mental or physical coercion, verbal or sexual abuse, brutal or rigid behaviour will not be used nor tolerated.

Freedom of Association and the right to collective bargaining

The Supplier ensures the respect of the choices carried out by employees concerning the right of association, union representation and collective bargaining and manages the relationship with its employees in respect of the National Collective Contract of the sector of affiliation if this exists. Non-discrimination towards eventual representatives of the employees is guaranteed.

Non Discrimination

Workplace discrimination is not acceptable. The supplier guarantees equal opportunity and treatment irrespective or race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, nationality, social origin or other characteristics. To respect the Person and the principles of Privacy, he does not interfere in the choices or the opinions of his employees.

Disciplinary Practices

The eventual use of disciplinary practices will be conducted in accordance with what is contemplated in the National Collective Contract of reference and, in any case, with respect for the physical, mental, emotional and moral integrity of the worker.

Working hours

Working hours must be in conformity with what is foreseen by the Law and by the applicable work contract. If it is not so contemplated by the Law, working hours must not exceed 48 weekly plus 12 hours of overtime.

Overtime work must be voluntary and cannot be required habitually and it must be compensated by a supplement to normal pay. Furthermore, excepting extraordinary circumstances, the employees will have the right to at least one day of rest every seven days of work.


Salary paid by the suppliers to their employees, are in conformity with the minimum contractual pay foreseen in the pay scales of the Collective Contract of reference. No deduction from pay or salary can be made for disciplinary reasons.

Work Environment

Working conditions must be decent. The supplier guarantees a hygienic and healthy work place, by promoting the best conditions of health and safety, while keeping in mind the latest know how and the specific risks of the sector.


In manufacturing activities, one must minimize the adverse effects on the environment and on natural resources, while preserving, at the same time, the health and safety of the final consumer while respecting the applicable laws and regulations on the environment.


Monnalisa does not produce nor imports chemical substances (as such or as components of a preparation or of an article). However, as a user of these substances, it is interested in receiving and needs to receive information, from its suppliers, so that the materials manipulated by Monnalisa are:

-in conformity with the requirements of the REACH[2] regulation, (acronym of Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) of the EU on chemical substances, their safekeeping and control as well as their use in safe conditions.

-they do not contain any of the S.V.H.C.(Substance of Very High Concern) substances or, if present, in a quantity that is less than 0,1% (w.w.)


The supplier undertakes not to divulge to any person, enterprise or company, and will assure that its employees do not divulge to the said third parties, whether directly or indirectly the technical know-how or other confidential information – including, for example but not limited to, all data, designs, projects, sketches, specifications, samples, models used for the manufacture of the products – which they may acquire in relation to the execution of the present contract.

At the expiry, resolution or withdrawal from the present contract, the supplier must immediately return to Monnalisa, without keeping any copies, all documents, designs, projects, models or prototypes, or other supports containing specific information concerning the functional or construction characteristics of productions, which they received for the execution of the present contract. For the completion of this obligation, the supplier undertakes to assure that all his employees, suppliers and collaborators also return these materials.


The supplier commits to respect all applicable Laws and regulations, including those relative to production, price determination, sales and distribution of goods, including also codes, rules and national regulations or local ones, the treaties and the pertinent voluntary standards of the sector.


The supplier commits and accepts inspection visits by the assigned internal staff and by thirds parties carried out by charge and on behalf of Monnalisa SpA.

The supplier commits to cooperate and to supply the materials required by Monnalisa (documentation, surveys and memorandums) within the due time.

Monnalisa reserves the right to terminate all business with suppliers who seriously or deliberately violate the supplier’s code of conduct or who make use of sub-contractors who seriously or deliberately violate the code.

The terms of this supplier’s code of conduct are an integral part of the commercial agreements that must be respected by the supplier.


The supplier declares that he has read and understood the code of conduct; he undertakes to enact positive actions for the implementation of the code of conduct and to respect the code towards all employees and workers, through clear verbal information and by posting the text in a location that is easily visible and accessible to all.

The supplier also declares to have read and understood the extract of Model 231 (Legislative Decree 231/2001), attached to this documentation, aimed at preventing the commission of particular types of crimes (for facts that, apparently for the benefit of the Company, may involve an administrative liability from a crime based on the provisions of the same decree).

The supplier undertakes to respect the Monnalisa Ethical Code which can be consulted on the site ( and undertakes to transmit information to the Supervisory Body to identify behaviour that differs from the provisions of the Model and the Ethical Code.